
Step-by-step guide: Changing directories in Windows Command Prompt

There are several ways to change the current directory in the Command Prompt (cmd) in Windows. Here are two options for how to do this:

Option 1: Using the cd command

The cd command (short for "change directory") is used to change the current directory in the Command Prompt. Here's an example:

cd C:\Users\Username\Desktop

This command changes the current directory in the Command Prompt to the specified path on the user "Username"'s desktop.

To move up one directory level (i.e., to change to the parent directory), you can use .. instead of a specific path:

cd ..

This command changes to the parent directory of the current directory.

Option 2: Using the pushd and popd commands

The pushd (short for "push directory") and popd (short for "pop directory") commands allow you to save multiple directories in the Command Prompt and switch between them.

Here's an example:

pushd C:\Users\Username\Desktop

This command saves the current directory in the Command Prompt and then changes to the specified path on the user "Username"'s desktop.

To return to the previously saved directory, you can use the popd command:


This command changes back to the previously saved directory in the Command Prompt.

With these two options, you should be able to change the current directory in the Windows Command Prompt.